Saturday, January 16, 2021

Napoleonic Prussians - 6mm - WIP


In 2021 I plan finishing my ongoing Pussians.
Here are 2 line regiments, 2 battalions each, I just flocked.
They are 2nd and 3rd as per 1815.
Minis are from Baccus.
Pictures have been taken with a mobile and somewhat yellow light, so shadows are somewhat "greenish", but real colors are OK.

Battalions are sized as Small (3 bases) or Medium (4 bases) so far. Those are my last remaining Prussian Line miniatures, and I had not the exact ratio between command and line. In my next order, I will manage solving that, including some more line bases to extend some Prussians to large units (5 bases) if required.

Next step will be creating their packing box.

So, in addition of now owning 5 line regiments (10 battalions) what is next for 2021 ?

Well, I plan addressing this (in other things)...

In the background are some ready to be primed Uhlans, with others still in their bag. I have material to build 3 to 5 regiments depending on gaming size for units.
Also, in bags are Landwehr (8 to 10 battalions), Command, Hussars (3 to 5 rgts) and 2 artillery batteries (2 guns each).

This is not a big backlog, but I will share as I move forward with those Prussians.

In parallel I am working on some french old guard and command.

As well, I have more important backlog for French and English troops, but that is another topic.




  1. It becomes a passion. I have Austrian and Prussians for Blucher and hope to get French to equal the two combined. That is a lot of figures, like 2500!
    My ancient armies are numerous, I wouldn't want to count the total figures. Saying that I just might now.
    Keep working on them.

  2. Hi Khusru,
    You are right saying it is a passion. I would even add it is a distressing one. Building, Painting, Studying history, Playing (should it be for fun or historical reconstitution) : once you have tasted that, you cannot leave it.About counting miniatures... well... that would be fun as well. Perhaps will I at a time as well.
    Thanks for your comment.
